
Nolvadex Side Effects

You may notice that the list of Nolvadex side effects is very long and that’s why you may be hesitant in using it. However, I need to warn you that Nolvadex is actually an extremely important compound for anabolic steroid users. Therefore, if you use steroids, there’s a very high chance that you are going to need Nolvadex. Moreover, the list of Nolvadex side effects that you can find online is usually referring to the side effects that are possible to occur among female breast cancer patients.

There are various reasons why female breast cancer patients using Nolvadex may get more side effects from this compound and/or they are worse in comparison to male bodybuilders using Nolvadex as a form of ancillary for their steroid use.

For example, the Nolvadex mechanism of action offers this compound various estrogen antagonist and estrogen agonist properties. This is affecting females very differently than males because of the very big difference in the endocrine physiology between the two genders. For example, females are possessing naturally higher estrogen levels necessary for proper physiological function than males. That’s why, the impact of Nolvadex side effects is likely to be more pronounced than in males with fewer estrogen levels.

In Addition To That…

In addition to that, female breast cancer patients are usually using Nolvadex in higher dosages and/or for much longer periods of time than male steroid users need. It’s pretty obvious that the higher the dosage and/or the longer period of time you use any compound, the more likely it is to cause side effects.

Because of the combination of these two factors, Nolvadex is very well tolerated by most people. That’s especially by men who use steroids and need Nolvadex simply to deal with the steroids’ side effects. It doesn’t mean that Nolvadex side effects are not possible to occur among men. It just means that Nolvadex side effects in athletes and bodybuilders using anabolic steroids are rarely reported. Even if they do experience side effects, they are also very likely to be mild and/or well tolerated.

Moreover, many of the side effects associated with the use of Nolvadex in female breast cancer patients are unseen in male bodybuilders too.

Nolvadex Side Effects in Females

Anyway, if you’re going to search online for Nolvadex side effects, you’re going to be shown a list of many different side effects. Again, those are potential negative effects that are among female breast cancer patients. The list usually goes as:

  • Hot flashes
  • Stomach upset
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Vaginal itching
  • Discomfort in the breast area
  • Bone and joints pains
  • Edema

The list doesn’t stop here though. This is just a list of common side effects. The less common side effects for female breast cancer patients can be:

  • Cholesterol issues
  • Altered platelet count
  • Skin rashes
  • Deep vein thrombosis
  • Pulmonary embolism
  • Altered white blood cell count

Once again, this is not the full list of side effects.

Nolvadex Side Effects in Bodybuilding

When bodybuilders use Nolvadex in order to prevent or treat gynecomastia or for their Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plans, side effects are rarely reported. They usually use lower dosages, they are not as affected by tamoxifen (an active ingredient in Nolvadex) and they usually use it for short periods. Nonetheless, some side effects can still occur. Some of the side effects in males using steroids are the following:

  • Hot flashes (especially in summer or hot days)
  • Headaches (painkillers usually are enough to deal with them)
  • Stomach issues (usually in people who are predisposed to stomach issues)
  • Dizziness and weakness (but not very common)
  • Dry and/or painful joints (usually in high dosages)

Generally, experiencing any of these side effects is usually a sign of:

  1. Too high dosage and/or too prolonged period of use
  2. Poor quality of Tamoxifen
  3. Low tolerance to the product (genetic)

If you make sure you get quality Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) and make sure that you use it correctly (try reducing the dosage), then it could be hypersensitivity to the compound which is a genetic thing. However, it’s extremely rare when someone has low tolerance (hyper-reaction) to the compound. So, just try to make sure you use it correctly and buy Nolvadex of the best quality.

The good news is that at you could learn how to use Nolvadex correctly (for PCT and/or for gynecomastia treatment) and you could also buy Nolvadex for sale. Save money while guaranteeing the highest quality Tamoxifen Citrate.



Other Negative Nolvadex Effects in Bodybuilding

Generally, bodybuilders use Nolvadex for PCT or for treating/preventing gynecomastia. Nolvadex is a SERM – Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator. It binds to estrogen receptors (doesn’t lower total estrogen levels as aromatase inhibitors as many people tend to believe), thus stopping gyno formation and blocking estrogen reaching the pituitary gland. This makes your gland produce more LH and FSH – important hormones for natural testosterone production.

Mood Swings

Yet, due to the way it works, it may affect your other parts of hormones which leads to mood swings. Mood swings and emotional changes are actually fairly common side effects among steroid users using tamoxifen or other SERMs.

Liver Issues

Moreover, Tamoxifen is affecting your liver in one way or another and it’s not in a negative way. While it’s far not as liver toxic as oral steroids and it’s not a problem for bodybuilders because its liver toxicity is low, it can become a problem if you abuse it or if you already have liver issues. But the biggest problem with the fact that Nolvadex affects your liver is that due to the way it affects it, the use of Nolvadex may lead to an increase of SHBG and a decrease of IGF-1.

SHBG and IGF-1

If you’ve been in the bodybuilding game for a while, you know the importance of these chemicals for your muscle and strength gains. IGF-1 is an extremely powerful peptide hormone that is allowing you to grow muscle even more than HGH does. At the same time, Nolvadex may increase SHBG – that’s a type of protein that binds to free testosterone leading to higher “bound” testosterone levels. That’s a negative effect because free testosterone (AKA unbound testosterone) is the type of testosterone that leads to typical high testosterone benefits and positives seen in males such as strength increase, muscle growth, libido boost, and others. Because of an increase in SHBG, you get less free testosterone which is a problem.

The good news is that this is usually not a problem at all among bodybuilders not abusing Nolvadex. The increase in SHBG and decrease in IGF-1 becomes noticeable only if you use it for way too long and/or in way too high dosages.


Still, some men report a libido boost, while others report a libido decrease while on Nolvadex. Tamoxifen boosts your libido because, as said, it blocks estrogen reaching the pituitary gland, which leads to more LH and FSH levels, thus more testosterone. More testosterone = higher libido. Yet, why do some people report their libido decreases? Because of the SHBG part in most situations. SHBG binds to free testosterone so you have less “unbound testosterone” leading to lower sex drive and libido, sometimes even erectile dysfunction.

Nolvadex Side Effects Conclusion

ultima-nolva-1So to wrap it up: the common Nolvadex side effects among steroid users are:

  • Hot flashes
  • Stomach issues
  • Dizziness and/or weakness
  • Mood swings and emotional changes
  • Headaches
  • Libido issues
  • Joint pains/dryness

In order to avoid these side effects, you need to use the lowest effective Nolvadex. Do not ever abuse it. Men rarely experience these side effects but if you abuse it, you’re most likely to experience them. So, learn how to use Tamoxifen correctly. Moreover, buy Tamoxifen of the best quality.


At you can learn how to use Nolvadex and buy Nolvadex for sale of the best possible quality. Therefore, you make sure you’ll get the best results from the use of Nolvadex while keeping its side effects at bay.

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