
Substance: Drostanolone Enanthate
Manufacturer: SP Laboratories
Pack: 10ml vial (200mg/ml)

Your Liver and Anabolic Steroids

Your liver is a vital organ that you need to protect at all costs to achieve your bodybuilding goals and… stay healthy. If you’re using anabolic steroids, you should know that some of them are liver toxic. That’s why it is of utmost importance to make sure you protect your liver while doing so. First […]

Superdrol Gains

If you’re interested in learning more about Superdrol gains, I can assume you plan to use it. But before you actually use Superdrol for its amazing gains, I strongly recommend learning about it as much as possible first. Superdrol is a very powerful anabolic and androgenic steroid. This is the reason why Superdrol gains can […]

Halotestin Cycle

Considering that Halotestin is an extremely powerful steroid, a Halotestin cycle lacks versatility compared to a lot of other anabolic steroids. It has devastating effects on cholesterol and liver health, and for this reason, a Halotestin cycle should be extremely short. Moreover, it’s very limited in terms of dosage that you could use too.  Moreover, […]


Superdrol is the most popular brand of the active substance Methasterone AKA Methyldrostanolone. Superdrol was manufactured by the same company that created Masteron (Drostanolone) and Anadrol (Oxymetholone). It is a version of Drostanolone but instead of an ester, it has methylation at the carbon position, therefore it got the name Methyldrostanolone. But the other chemical […]

Buy Anavar

If you want to buy Anavar for sale, you could easily do it with the help of our online anabolic steroid store – Iron-Daddy.to. Buy Anavar here and we guarantee that you won’t regret it. That’s because we’re a popular online shop that has gained the trust of customers through a commitment to the quality […]


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