What is Quant-Equipoise (Equipoise)? | What is Boldenone Undecylenate?
Quant-Equipoise is the trade name of Boldenone Undecylenate from Beligas Pharmaceuticals. Boldenone Undecylenate might be better known by its more famous name – Equipoise or simply EQ, but it can be found under other trade names as well. This product is a form of long acting injectable famous product – Dianabol. Equipoise (Boldenone) is actually used in horse industry and cattle industry, however, the product is also used by humans with some very powerful performance abilities.
Quant Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylinate) or simple Equipoise is actually offering the exact same hormone as famous performance enhancing product – Dianabol. The difference between the 2 is that Dianabol is coming in a C17 AA form for oral use and this means that the product is effective much shorter compared to Equipoise. Dianabol has a half life of only 8 hours while Quant Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylante) has an extremely long half life of 14 days. Equipoise doesn’t have the C17 Alpha Alkylated group and this means that is not effective for oral use. It comes in an oil soluble formula – undecylenate ester chain and this makes the product have a long half life and effective for injectable use.
This product doesn’t have a less anabolic activity than testosterone while androgenic activity is slightly less. Purchasing Quant-Equipoise from our website you are guaranteed to get a high quality product (genuine from Beligas Pharmaceuticals) for a very low price. The pack contains 1 vial of 10 ml with 300 mg per ml of Boldenone Undecylenate.
How Does Quant-Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate) Work? | Equipoise Effectiveness
When talking about Equipoise (Boldenone) in human use then we most often talk about its use for performance and physique enhancement purposes and that’s why it is most often used by bodybuilders, powerlifters etc. People who are searching for Boldenone compounds they are searching for increases in muscle mass because that’s exactly what you would receive by using this product.
The slow action of the compound is also going to offer some volume to the muscles too. When taking Quant-Equipoise, the production of blood cells for the user is going to be stimulated and the muscles are going to work much more effectively and efficiently. This would allow the user to tire our slower, have more endurance and keep on pushing further – therefore growing muscles.
Quant Equipoise (generally BoldenoneUndecylenate) products are widely used among bodybuilders because of the following reasons: it increases the mass, it improves the appetite so you can eat more and train more, it improves the strength indicators either (that’s why often used by powerlifters too), increases endurance, stamina and energy, it increases the erythrocyte levels in the blood as well as the access of oxygen to the muscles, improves protein synthesis and a number of benefits for performance enhancing purposes.
How to Use Quant Equipose? | Equipose Dosage / Administration
As mentioned earlier – Equipoise or other Boldenone compounds can be extremely helpful for increasing endurance, muscle mass and the production of red blood cells in the human body, that’s why is so widely used by athletes and bodybuilders. However, it does come with a series of negative side effects and that’s why, you need to know how to use it for avoiding getting the side effects. The product is known to offer slow but steady gains and that’s why is most often used during the bulking cycles.
Equipoise doses generally start from a starting point of 200 mg per week and the product should be used for approximately 8 weeks as a full cycle for a newbie. However, more experienced users might start taking the product at higher doses for longer periods for achieving better / more results. The dosages are anywhere between 200 to 600 mg and full cycle length between 8 to 12 weeks. There are people using doses as high as 1000 mg per week, however such a practice isn’t recommended as side effects risks greatly go up.
Women should be a lot much more careful with Equipoise and that’s why their maximum dosage per week should go further than 50 mg a week with a cycle length no more than 8 weeks. But is recommended to start slowly with 25 mg a week and a cycle length of 6 weeks for the first time.
Equipoise stacks very well with lots of products. A good bulking cycle for professional athletes include: 12 weeks of 800 mg per week of Equipoise, 600 mg per week of Test Cypionate, 25 mg a day of MK 2866, 25 mg a day of Aromasin and 7 caps a day of N2Guard with the first 8 weeks with Dianabol 50 mg a day.
Quant Equipose (Bodenone Undecylenate) Side Effects
Equipoise is considered to be a fairly mild steroid in side effects profile, nonetheless – side effects are still very possible especially with too high doses. some of the most common side effects with Equipoise include those of too high androgenic activity like for example oily skin, acne, prostate issues, unnatural hair growth on face and body, hair loss as well as getting you a deeper voice.
Viriziling side effects are a real concern for women and that’s why they shouldn’t play around with Boldenone compounds. It would be recommended to buy a cream with cycling with Quant – Equipoise because one of the worst problems is acne on the chest, back and shoulders.
Other side effects include: cholesterol issues, cardiovascular problems, testosterone suppression and some others. It would be a very good idea to introduce a Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) at the end of the cycle.
Where to Buy Quant Equipoise?
You can always purchase Quant-Equipoise from Beligas Pharmaceuticals directly on our website. IronDaddy.to is working with Beligas Pharmaceuticals being their official supplier and manufacturer. This ensures that you would get exclusively only high quality and genuine products. You can buy any other Boldenone products directly from our website if you wish to.
Be sure that Quant-Equipoise is a very high quality product that would offer you pure Boldenone Undecylenate as promised. You are now able to get this product for an extremely low price and be able to improve your physique and performance with the help of this compound. Make sure to use it correctly, or ask us for help, and then watch your muscles grow!
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