
Stanozolol is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone and is currently one of the most used form of oral steroids on the market. Very often and best known as its famous brand name – Winstrol. This product comes in form of tablets (Winstrol is only in form of tablets) and injectable and is considered to be among the most famous and most used steroid in both forms. The steroid is chemically altered so that the hormone’s anabolic (tissue building) properties are strong amplified while its androgenic activity is minimized. Since is having minimized androgenic activity and strongly amplified anabolic activity, it is obvious that Stanozolol is a steroid that is being categorized as “anabolic” steroid.

Below you are going to find all the products containing Stanozolol steroid and you’re also going to find a lot of valuable and helpful information about this substance.

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The chemical names of Stanozolol hormone: 17beta-Hydroxy-17-methyl-5alphaandrostano[3,2-c]pyrazole. The active life of this product in the body is 8 hours while the detection time would be 3 weeks.

In this article you are going to find a lot of valuable information including the answers to some questions like:

What is Stanozolol (Winstrol)?;

What is Stanozolol (Winstrol) Used For? What Does Stanozolol Do?;

How To Take Stanozolol? Stanozolol Dosages;

Where to Buy Stanozolol (Winstrol)?

This stuff is exhibiting one of the strongest dissociations of the anabolic to androgenic effect compared to any other commercially available agents out there. Another great plus of this product is the fact that it also cannot be aromatized into the estrogens either. All of this makes it have great advantages over other steroids and for this reason, as said, is among the top steroids ever used. Stanozolol (Winstrol) is the second most widely used oral steroid as is being overtaken in popularity only by Dianabol (Methandrostenolone). This stuff is being realty favored for its ability to offer some great muscle growth without water retention, therefore this stuff is very highly valued and appreciated by all those bodybuilders and competitive athletes who are dieting while trying to preserve muscle tissue, power and strength.

Stanozolol (Winstrol) Estrogenic Side Effects

Stanozolol is a hormone that is not being aromatized by the body and therefore, this product is not measurably estrogenic. Since this product is not estrogenic it means that the use of an anti estrogen while using Stanozolol is unnecessary and that’s because high estrogen side effects such as gynecomastia, water retention etc. are not going to be noticed, not even for the most sensitive individuals.

It is known that estrogen is most often responsible of water retention which means that Stanozolol is not going to offer this side effect, instead is going to offer a lean, and quality look to the physique and that’s while the user shouldn’t have any concerns that he is going to have some excess of the subcutaneous fluid retention. In addition to this, water retention is usually what leads to high blood pressure. Without estrogenic activity, you have no water retention and therefore you have no high blood pressure.

All in all, this is making this steroid to be very favorable mostly during the cutting cycles, during the time when water and fat retention are some really big problems. Stanozolol is also being very popular among those athletes who need to increase their strength and speed while remaining in the same weight category. Usually, in such sports, the individuals do not need to carry around any excess of water weight. This is the reason why they might find out that some raw muscle growth that can be offered by the use of Stanozolol to be pretty favorable over the low quality mass gains of the aromatizable agents which might add a lot much more size and mass, but lots of which is water and fat.

Stanozolol (Winstrol) Androgenic Side Effects

As it was earlier mentioned, this steroid is being categorized in the anabolic steroids group because of the fact that is largely anabolic and has much less androgenic activity. Nonetheless, it still does offer some androgenic activity and this means that the androgenic side effects are still very common while using this substance.

Most often, the common androgenic side effects are including: acne, bouts of oily skin, excessive body and/ or facial hair growth as well as aggravating/ accelerating male pattern hair loss. You should know that this very much depends on the genetics. All of these symptoms (especially hair loss) largely depends on the genetics as the first individuals to be affected by the drug are those who are genetically predisposed.

In addition to this, it is important to know that women are also being warned of the potential virilizing effects of the anabolic/ androgenic steroids like Stanozolol, despite the fact that is considered much safer for women’s use compared to other steroids. There is a chance for women to use it without developing any virilizing side effects, but it very much depends on genetics and on the dosage used. Usually, the virilizing side effects are including: clitoral enlargement, menstrual irregularities, deepening of the voice, facial hair growth as well as changes in skin texture. These symptoms are also known as “masculinizing” effects.

It is important to know that the use of any steroids should be discontinued as soon as the first symptom start to begin. Regardless of the reason why it begins, the steroid should be discontinued at the onset of the first symptom. This way, any symptoms should fade away very soon. By ignoring the symptoms and continuing to use the drug, there’s a high chance that the symptoms would become irreversible.

In addition to that, it is important to know that the 5 alpha reductase enzyme does not metabolize stanozolol and this means that its relative androgen activity is not going to be affected by the use of dutasteride or finasteride. Stanozolol is a steroid with a relatively low androgenic activity (as it was earlier mentioned) in the relation to its tissue-building actions, therefore is making the threshold for some very strong androgenic side effects to be comparably higher than more androgenic agents like for example Methandrostenolone, Testosterone or Halotestin.

Stanozolol (Winstrol) Hepatotoxic Side Effects

Stanozolol is a C17 alpha alkylated steroid and as it is well known, the C17 alpha alkylated compounds are hepatotoxic which means they are offering some stress to the liver. This alteration is protecting the drug from deactivation by the liver and this is what is allowing of a very high percentage of the drug to enter the bloodstream after the drug has been orally administered. It is important to know that C17 alpha alkylated anabolic/ androgenic steroids also can be hepatotoxic and they have a risk to offer liver damage unless you’re going to use it properly.

This means that prolonged or high exposure is very recommended to be avoided, otherwise it may result in liver damage. In fact, although this rarely happens – there are life threatening dysfunction which may develop. This is the main reason why is recommended to visit a physician periodically during each cycle in order to monitor the liver function and the overall health in order to keep it healthy. The intake of any C17 alpha alkylated compounds should be limited, that’s why it is usually being limited to 6 to 8 weeks and that’s in an attempt to avoid escalating the liver strain.

Stanozolol does seem to offer some less hepatic stress if comparing it to an equivalent dose of Methandrostenolone which means that Stanozolol is considered to be safer for the liver than Methandrostenolone. However, this definitely doesn’t mean that Stanozolol is safe for the liver. There are studies which is giving 12 mg of Stanozolol a day for 27 weeks has failed to prove any clinically significant changes in the markers of the liver function, and that’s including the serum aspartate amino transferase, gamma glutamyltransferase, alkaline phosphatase, alanine amino transferase as well as bilirubin.

The relative hepatotoxicity is increasing as the dosage is going higher, this is the reason why hepatic dysfunction still should be a concern, especially if you are considering to use some higher amounts. There are some rare situations out there in which some higher doses (while taking the steroid all alone or maybe in combination with some other steroids) have been implicated in some cases of some very serious life threating hepatotoxicity in some bodybuilders. It is very important to be aware of this and not to abuse it. The injectable Stanozolol has been also implicated in some severe hepatotoxicity either in an otherwise healthy bodybuilder. With this being said, is important to understand that injectable Stanozolol should not be used as an alternative medication when the liver toxicity is precluding the oral Stanozolol use.

With this being said, the use of a liver detoxification supplement like for example Liv 52, Essential Forte or Liver Stabil is strongly recommended to be used when you are administering with any hepatotoxic steroids or any other compounds. In addition to that, is very recommended to keep a liver healthy lifestyle. This includes dieting but very important it is to avoid the excess alcohol consumption. In fact, any alcohol consumption during the administration with Stanozolol is recommended to be avoided.

Plus, there’s just no point in taking Stanozolol for performance enhancement reasons while drinking alcohol as we all know that alcohol is one of the worst factors for performance enhancement. Except for that, the individual should avoid any OTC (over the counter) medications use. The use should be limited to when it is absolutely necessary. A lot of OTC drugs are very hepatotoxic. A combination of Stanozolol along with a OTC medication can offer a big liver strain.

Stanozolol (Winstrol) Cardiovascular Side Effects

The androgenic/ anabolic steroids are known that they can have some really bad negative effects on the serum cholesterol levels. Most often, this is including the tendency of the steroids to reduce the HDL (good) cholesterol numbers in the time of increasing the LDL (bad) cholesterol numbers. This very often may lead to switch the HDL to LDL balance in a really bad direction, in a way where the risk of arteriosclerosis is getting higher and higher.

The relative impact of an anabolic/ androgenic steroid on the serum lipids is very highly dependent on a few different factors such as: on the dose that is being administered, on the route of administration (either is oral or injectable, oral as a matter of fact are much worse), on the type of steroid (either is aromatizable or non aromatizable) and also on the level of the resistance to hepatic metabolism.

Stanozolol is having a pretty strong effect on the hepatic management of the cholesterol because of its structural resistance to liver breakdown, to its non aromatizable nature and also to the oral route of administration. All of these factors taken in combination makes Stanozolol be a pretty bad steroid for the cholesterol.

There are some studies out there in which involving Stanozolol, with a dosing protocol of oral 6 mg a day for 6 weeks has proven there’s a mean serum HDL (good cholesterol) suppression of around 33% in the healthy male weight training individuals and this was alongside with a 29% of the increase in the serum LDL (bad cholesterol). The anabolic/ androgenic steroids also may have a negative effect on the blood pressure and on triglycerides, there’s a risk of reducing endothelial relaxation, supporting left ventricular hypertrophy as well as it can all potentially increase the risk of cardiovascular disease as well as myocardial infarction.

There’s a study involving the injectable Stanozolol which was proven that this stuff is producing some pretty strong negative changes in the serum lipids. There’s a study that has been carried out on a group of 12 healthy male individuals which has proven there’s a measurable reduction in HDL cholesterol values and it was noticed with an increase the LDL numbers as well as total cholesterol numbers, and that’s after only a single injection of 50 mg of this steroid. The numbers just seem to keep on changing constantly for 4 weeks during the period in which the drug has been administered.

This product is representing a potential increased risk for developing arteriosclerosis and the risks are getting a lot much higher in case the product is used irresponsible. The injectable stanozolol should not be used as an alternative medication when the cardiovascular risk factors are precluding oral stanozolol use as it has negative effects on the cholesterol as well. By having some cholesterol/ cardiovascular issues, any stanozolol should be avoided in any form. By developing some issues secondary to some stanozolol use – the steroid should be discontinued immediately and you shouldn’t search for alternatives instead.

For reducing the cardiovascular strain is very recommended to keep an active cardiovascular exercise program and generally a healthy and cholesterol friendly lifestyle. Except for the active cardiovascular exercise program, anyone using it – is recommended to have a healthy and cholesterol friendly diet where fish oils (omega fatty acids) around 4 grams a day needs be added and in the same time to minimize or preferably to completely exclude the intake of saturated fats, of cholesterol as well as simple carbohydrates.

It is recommended to exclude the unwanted products during all the times while you are administering with the steroid. By keeping a healthy and cholesterol friendly lifestyle including both the diet and the active cardiovascular exercise program, you are going to ensure to diminish the risk of getting cardiovascular issues or cholesterol issues. Plus to everything, it is recommended to use a natural cholesterol/ antioxidant formula like for example Lipid Stabil or something similar to it as it would be greatly helpful.

Stanozolol (Winstrol) and Testosterone Suppression

Absolutely all of the anabolic and androgenic steroids are expected to suppress the endogenous testosterone production when they are being used in some doses that are sufficient to offer muscle/ strength/ speed gains. Stanozolol, although might affect the suppression a bit lower, is still not an exception as it is noticed that it can have some fairly strong influence on the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis.

There are clinical studies where giving 10 mg a day to the healthy male individuals for 2 weeks (14 days) has caused their mean plasma testosterone level to fall by 55%. With this being said, Stanozolol would cause testosterone suppression to anyone who is using it, especially for a matter of some weeks in doses considered effective. The testosterone levels need to return back to normal in approximately 1 to 4 months after the drug has been discontinued, however during the time of administering it, the individual has a high chance of falling into the low testosterone condition. This is the reason why the individual should add an exogenous testosterone to the plan which would make sure the body gets enough testosterone during the AAS administration.

A Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) plan is also recommended post steroid use. This would make sure you have a faster and better recovery making the natural testosterone production recover. Plus to everything, a prolonged hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism can develop thanks to the steroid abuse which would require medical intervention. Steroid abuse is never a good idea.

Stanozolol (Winstrol) Administration (General)

There are studies proving that by taking an oral anabolic steroid with food it may decrease its bioavailability not making it as effective as it might be. This is being caused by the fat soluble nature of the steroid hormones which can allow some of the drug to dissolve with the undigested dietary fat, therefore is reducing its absorption from the gastrointestinal tract. For getting the maximum utilization out of the drug, the oral forms of Stanozolol should be taken on an empty stomach.

Stanozolol (Winstrol) Administration (For Men)

The original prescribing guidelines for Stanozolol is calling for a dosage per day of 6 mg that should be administered on a schedule of one tablet of 2 mg 3 times a day because of its relatively short half life. This is done in an attempt to keep stable blood levels. The common dosage for the physique or performance enhancing reasons is anywhere between 15 mg and 25 mg a day, this means that the individual should have anywhere between 3 to 5 tablets a day of 5 mg tablet.

Nonetheless, the steroid should not be taken for any longer than 6 to 8 weeks. The product shouldn’t be taken for any longer because of natural testosterone production, cholesterol issues and liver stress. The injectable Stanozolol is generally being recommended at a clinical dosage of one 50 mg injection every 2 to 3 weeks.

When this stuff is being used for physique or for performance enhancing reasons, a dosage of about 50 mg every other day is most usually being recommended. There are some veterinary Stanozolol preparations either that are having a larger particle size that are being dispersed by the body more slowly and that’s why they are most commonly being given at a dosage of 75 mg every third day.

Some doses of 50 mg a day with the injectable Stanozolol are not being uncommon either, even though is most likely not being recommended because the dose might be too high for some people, especially for those who are not familiar with the steroid. It is important to note here that the injectable form of the steroids are being expected to have, when compared milligram for milligram, a greater anabolic effect compared to the oral forms. Still, many people prefer oral forms due to other reasons.

Very often, Stanozolol is being combined with some other steroids in order to get a more dramatic result. Like for example, in the time that you are bulking, you might try to add in to your cycle anywhere between 200 to 400 mg of a testosterone ester (regardless if it’s cypionate, propionate or enanthate) per week. This is going to be an amazing combination because the result should be a considerable much bigger gain in the new muscle mass and that’s while you should have a much more comfortable/ better level of water as well as fat retention than, comparing, if you are taking a higher dose of testosterone alone.

However, when it is coming to the dieting phases, an individual might alternately use the Stanozolol steroid alongside with a non aromatizing steroid like for example some ester of trenbolone in a dosage of 150 mg per week, or also 200 to 300 mg of Primobolan per week. By using such stacks, the person is going to get a big benefit into getting increased definition as well as muscularity. But an in-between (lean mass gain) also might be to add in 200 to 400 mg of a low estrogenic compound like for example Nandrolone Decanoate or Boldenone undecylenate. This stack would offer great results either. in the end, it all depends on what you are ultimately searching for.

Stanozolol (Winstrol) Administration For Women

Unlike many other steroids out there, women can take Stanozolol. The original prescribing guidelines for Stanozolol is calling for a daily dosage of 4 mg (one tablet of 2 mg taken 2 times a day) with those young women who are particularly susceptible to the androgenic effects of the anabolic steroids. However, this dosage has been increased to 6 mg (which is the same dosage as is recommended for males) but that’s only when it is being necessary.

However, the dosage protocol is different when women are looking for Stanozolol for the physique or performance enhancement purposes. The dosage is generally much lower compared to men. That’s because a dosage of 5 mg to 10 mg on a daily basis is the most common while such a dosage should be taken for lo longer than a period of 4 to 6 weeks. The dosage protocols are different for injectable Stanozolol as generally, it is being recommended at a clinical dosage of 50 mg used every 2 to 3 weeks.

The injectable form of this steroid, usually, it is not being recommended for women for physique or performance enhancing reasons and that’s because this form of administration is allowing for a less control over the blood hormone levels. But, those women out there who absolutely need to use the injectable form over the oral administration then they are recommended to use 25 mg of it every 3 to 4 days. It is important to understand that even though this steroid is considered to be weakly androgenic, the risk of virilization symptoms just cannot be fully excluded, and that’s even while using therapeutic doses and especially in the more sensitive women.

Why Buy Stanozolol (Winstrol)

Stanozolol (or as known by its famous brand name – Winstrol) is an anabolic steroid that is very widely used all over the world, therefore it is the second most used oral steroid and in the top of most used injectable steroids. Stanozolol is a very popular product and that’s for good reasons as this anabolic steroid is not causing essential weight gain and water retention. This feature is being appreciated by a lot of bodybuilders and some other athletes to whom weight gain is not what they need.

In addition to that, it is being said that this preparation is working like a diuretic, is increasing the excretion of the water from the body of those who use this stuff. So, this product can offer a lot of strength/ power and speed while keeping you in pretty much same weight gain as you would only add a little bit of lean muscle tissues. No wonder Stanozolol is among the preferable steroids for competitive athletes.