What is Stanozolol? | What is Winstrol? | SP Stanozolol
SP Stanozolol is the brand name of the active substance with the same name – Stanozolol. This is an extremely famous steroid due to its amazing and unique properties when it comes to physique and performance enhancement. Due to this, Stanozolol which is better known as Winstrol is one of the most famous and widely used steroids, being in the top 3 most used and considered among best steroid in existence for cutting purposes.
SP Stanozolol containing the active substance Stanozolol is manufactured by SP Laboratories and is considered the generic version of Winstrol which is why you’re able to save a lot of money by getting this specific product due to its very low prices but ultimately receive the exact same product under different name, but exact same active substance and same high quality product.
This product is coming in form of oral tablets which is by far the most widely used form of administration. There’s also injectable form of Stanozolol also called Stanozolol Depot or Winstrol Depot, sold as SP Stanoject by SP Laboratories. Nonetheless, Stanozolol coming in form of tablets is much more preferred.
This is an anabolic and androgenic steroid (AAS) that is derived from dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and is very popular historically and nowadays for physique and performance enhancement purposes, most specifically for cutting and hardening. The product was discovered many years ago in 1960s and although in the past it used to have some medical uses, nowadays is only used as a Performance Enhancer Drug (PED) or in veterinary medicine.
How Long Does Winstrol Stay in Your System? | Stanozolol Half Life
Oral Winstrol is believed to stay in your system for about 10 hours only and that’s because of the half life that is only about 4-5 hours. The half life is the time in which half of the product is eliminated from the system and taking in consideration that oral Stanozolol – Winstrol, has a half life of 4-5 hours, it is staying in your system active for no longer than 10 hours.
Injectable Stanozolol has a little longer half life but still quite short for an injectable steroid. It offers a half life of about 18-24 hours and this means the active life is only 36-48 hours. Anyway, this specific product is coming in form of tablets.
What is Stanozolol Used For? | What Does Stanozolol Do? | What Does Winstrol Do?
As it was mentioned, nowadays Stanozolol is being officially used exclusively as a veterinary medicine. However, in the past it was used with quite some good success when it comes to treating venous insufficiency. The product is stimulating blood fibrinolysis and that’s why it was studied for other medical uses either.
Nonetheless, nowadays, the product is most widely used for physique and performance enhancement purposes. In fact, to be more specific, for cutting and hardening purposes. This AAS is extremely famous as is considered one of the best and most helpful steroid for such purposes. It has some unique modification structurally, changes at the A ring that is offering amazing cutting properties and abilities.
Stanozolol has an Anabolic rating of 320 and super favorable compared to Androgenic rating of 30. And being a derivative of DHT, is having no aromatization. This all results in SP Stanozolol being very helpful to preserve muscle mass, offer a bit of muscle gains (lean muscle mass only) and greatly helps with losing extra body fat.
With this being said, Stanozolol – Winstrol is rarely used in bulking cycles mainly because there are other steroids and other options which can help much better with such purposes. But there’s nearly nothing better for cutting than Stanozolol. The only product which might outrun Stanozolol in potency for such purposes is Trenbolone, but this steroid is considered very dangerous.
Stanozolol Dosage | How to Take Stanozolol? | Winstrol Cycle | Winstrol Dosage
SP Stanozolol is coming in form of oral tablets and that’s why it can be used by orally by mouth. Injectable stanozolol should be used intramuscularly, but as it was earlier mentioned, oral form of Stanozolol coming in tablets is by far the most preferred method of administrating Stanozolol – Winstrol.
Due to the tablets’ very short half life, most people decide to split up the total daily dose in 2 even halves. With this being said, if you’re using 50 mg a day, most of people try to keep stable blood levels by using 25 mg in the morning and 25 mg at PM. This is the most favorite dosage for most people either. Some decide to use less (say 25 mg a day) while more professionals go higher 75-100 mg a day, but that’s increasing side effects risks.
Due to its hepatotoxic nature, Stanozolol cycle length should never exceed 8 weeks, but we would recommend 6 weeks all along with liver supplements.
This steroid can stack extremely good with any given cutting agents such as Clenbuterol, Primobolan, Anavar and many others.
Stanozolol Side Effects | Winstrol Side Effects
The side effect that is specific to this steroid is dry joints. People with low body fat get this side effect on their own, but this steroid is making this side effect even worse. Using joint supplements is very recommended.
Other than that, as it was mentioned, Stanozolol is hepatotoxic and this is one of the worst side effects because hepatotoxicity is very high with this steroid. This is one of the main reasons why dosage and cycle length of Stanozolol – Winstrol, should never exceed the recommended range. Using liver supplements is very recommended exactly as keeping healthy liver (avoid alcohol, OTC drugs etc.)
Virilization for women is possible, especially with higher doses, that’s why women should be very careful. Androgenic side effects such as oily skin, acne and hair loss are possible too, but not as possible as with other steroids. However, estrogenic side effects cannot occur. So you shouldn’t be worried about gynecomastia or water retention.
Other than that, natural testosterone suppression is very possible as well. It suppresses endogenous testosterone production as any given AAS so running a good PCT cycle at the end of Stanozolol administration is essential.
Where to Buy Stanozolol For Sale? | Where to Buy Winstrol? | SP Stanozolol For Sale
Stanozolol which is found in SP Stanozolol can be purchased for an extremely low price from IronDaddy.to as we are official distributors of SP Laboratories – a pharmaceutical company that is producing only high quality steroids for very low prices and they got very famous and reputable by both retailers and customers for keeping their promises. So, you get a genuine product from our website and you pay very low prices for them.
SP Stanozolol is going to be a miracle drug for you if you need to lose body fat and in the same time you want to preserve your current muscle mass. In a 6 weeks cycle length your body is going to change a lot!
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