What is Primobol? | What is Primobolan? | What is Methenolone Enanthate?
Primobol is the brand name of Methenolone Enanthate, which is an injectable anabolic steroid. Primobol might be better known as its other more famous brand name – Primobolan. The difference between Primobol and Primobolan is only the manufacturer and the price with Primobol being much more cheaper but both products offering same high quality Methenolone Enanthate.
There’s also a related drug known as Methenolone Acetate known as Primobolan but is taken by mouth. Usually, injectable Primobolan (Methenolone Enanthate) is called Primobolan Depot while Primobolan coming in form of oral tablets (Methenolone Acetate) is simply called Primobolan.
Primobolan Depot or SP Primobol (Methenolone Enantahte) is an anabolic and androgenic steroid that is mainly being used in the treatment of anemia, however it has other medical uses too. In the past this medication used to be even more used compared to nowadays, but is still a very famous anabolic and androgenic steroid.
This steroid is a derivative of DHT and it cannot be aromatized, therefore it has no properties for offering elevated estrogen levels. This product is very well known and a very popular steroid mainly because of its very mild nature in both anabolic and the androgenic activity.
This product is very often compared to Anavar but that’s not a good comparison because Anavar is having much more anabolic strength compared to Primobolan. The anabolic rating is only 88 which is weaker than testosterone itself while the androgenic rating is about 44-57. Taking in consideration that it also has no estrogenic activity, the product is considered very effective and very safe, at least much safer compared to other steroids.
The product is so widely used and popular because there are rumors suggesting that “old school” bodybuilders were using it for both cutting and sometimes even bulking cycles. It is believed that even the legend Arnold Schwarzenegger was using Primobolan for getting the physique he used to have in his prime.
What is Primobol Used For? | What Does Primobolan Do? | How Does Primobolan Work?
When it comes to Primobol (Primobolan – Methenolone Enanthate) uses in medical settings when can mention the treatment of anemia due to bone marrow failure as well as it was studied for the treatment of breast cancer.
However, this product is widely used for physique and performance enhancement by bodybuilders, powerlifters and competitive athletes. It is believed that they are using this steroid with great success in their cutting and hardening cycles but there are even those who are using this product for bulking cycles too for gaining lean muscle mass which would last longer and without puffy look of muscles.
This steroid is working pretty much like any other given steroid by being an androgen receptor agonist. When using this product, the steroid is binding to the androgen receptors for secreting its anabolic and androgenic activity. Its structural changes offers huge advantages because it doesn’t aromatase, has a fairly good anabolic activity in combination with low androgenic activity.
The huge advantage of this steroid is that it binds to the androgen receptor even stronger than testosterone and without aromatization and low androgenicity – the user is able to get a lot of benefits while getting little side effects.
How to Use Primobol? | Primobolan Cycle | Primobolan Dosage | Methenolone Dose
Primobol is a product that is coming in injection form. Primobol might be known as Primobolan and Primobolan is coming in both injection form (Primobolan Depot) and oral form (Primobolan) but they are offering different esters – Acetate for oral form and Enanthate for injection form.
Talking specifically about Primobol with Methenolone Enanthate as active substance, the product should be injected and since it has a long half life of about 10 days, users of Primobol report good results and stable blood levels at only once or maximum twice per week administration.
Primobolan has one problem – the price is big and you need to use more of it compared to other steroids for receiving good results. Those amazing results are reached by those who are using fairly high doses. For example, men would require doses about 600 – 800 mg per week or maybe even higher for best results. That’s in the time that a dose of 600 – 800 mg per week is absolutely all that people would need with other steroids and such a dosage can be very bad with Trenbolone.
Women should not use Primobolan Depot – Primobol. If absolutely necessary to use Methenolone, women are recommended to go for the oral form.
A really good Primobolan Depot – Primobol (Methenolone Enanthate) cutting cycle would be: 12 weeks of Primobolan 600 mg a week, 250 mg a week of Testosterone Cypionate or Enanthate, 12 mg a day of Aromasin (for testosterone’s estrogenic side effects), cardarine 20 mg a day and N2Guard 7 caps a day.
Primobol Side Effects | Primobolan Side Effects | Methenolone Side Effects
Side effects of Primobolan are not as bad as with other steroids, but they are possible. In fact, side effects of primobolan are pretty much the common side effects of any given anabolic and androgenic steroid but they are much less likely and less intensive compared to other steroids.
Primobol is not dangerous for the liver, while oral version of Methenolone is. Also, Primobol has no estrogenic side effects. Androgenic side effects are possible like acne, oily skin, hair loss and virilization for women, however they are not as bad as other steroids.
Plus to that, Primobolan is suppressive to natural testosterone production but is by far not as suppressive as other steroids. In fact, Methenolone suppresses it so little that there are rumors suggesting that Primobolan is so safe that no Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is required. This is a false statement.
In the end, the product should be taken with big care because is a steroid which can offer nasty side effects if abused. Nonetheless, the steroid is still considered to be much safer compared to other steroids available out there.
Where to Buy Primobol? | Where to Buy Primobolan? | Buy Methenolone
Primobolan Depot can be purchased as brand name SP Primobol manufactured by SP Laboratories for an extremely low price at this page from IronDaddy.to. We are offering very low prices for SP Laboratories products since we are official distributors of their medications and this means that you would receive exclusively only high quality and genuine steroids. Plus we offer discounts.
Primobolan – Primobol containing Methenolone Enanthate is an extremely famous steroid which helped millions of people achieve their dream bodies or simply get a much better looking physique and enhance their performance. A lot of bodybuilders, including legends like Arnold, are using Primobolan Depot and they are having great success. You just can’t go wrong with such a beneficial and in the same time safe steroid.
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